Missions and Missionaries Supported by
Fletcher First Baptist Church

Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry

Anchor Baptist Missions International
Duain Whittemore, Director

Anchor Baptist Missions
Missionaries to Bolivia
Robert Murray & Family

Anchor Baptist Missions
Missionaries to the remote villages of Alaska
David Youngblood

Anchor Baptist Missions

Robert & Lisa Jones

Albania Baptist Missions
The Wilson Family

AWANA Missionaries
Kathy Brock

Baptist International Missions, Inc.
Brother Mark Logan

Bethel Christian Academy

Bethel Baptist Church, Spruce Pine, NC

Camp Zion Baptist
Reverend Earl Farley

Carolina Baptist Association

Central Missionary
Missionaries in Mexico
The Adairs

Christian Law Association

Faith in God Ministries
Rev. Steve and Freida Bishop

Fletcher First Baptist Church Missions and Missionaries
Fletcher First Baptist Church Missions and Missionaries
Fletcher First Baptist Church Missions and Missionaries

Dyson Grove Jubilee

Butler, TN

Father’s Hand Ministry
Reverend Denver Burnside

Gideon International

Hendersonville Rescue Mission

Independent Baptist Church
Mission Church in the Philippines
Reverend Manuel Dioses

Independent Baptist Missions for Asians
June and Fairly Dela Fuentes

KPGB Radio – 88.3 FM
Missionaries to Crow Indians
The Hendersons

Macedonia Missions

The Duane Earwood Family

Native American Mission Fund
Gerry and Sheril Locklear

Old Paths Ministry
Reverend Tom Cheshire

Power of 2 Youth Camp

Hendersonville, NC

SIIRG International
(Stategic Indigenous Initiatives Resourcing Group)
Brother Frank Bailey

WGCR Radio – 720 AM Radio
Pisgah Forest, NC

WKJV Radio – 1380 AM Radio
Asheville, NC

Woman at the Well Ministries

The Appleby’s

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.

Revelation 14:6